Jones Plantation
The Film
Is Now Available!

Get your copy of the potential cult classic

Sherry Peel Jackson
Business Strategist, Author, and International Speaker
Jones Plantation – A Five Star Movie! The movie did not disappoint! The use of allegory and satire in this movie was
nothing less than brilliant.

Michael Silvia
It was a great story that was captivating, eye-opening, entertaining and even a bit funny at times. I think it’ll be a cult-classic for sure

Charlie Robinson
Co-Author, The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire
Jones Plantation found the right way to have the conversation about our relationship with the State. Whether the chains are visible or not, we never really got off of the plantation, and sometimes it takes an outstanding story to wake up the sleeping public.
In a time of great hardship, an enslaved people yearn for freedom. Their desperate pleas seem to be answered when a charismatic stranger arrives, promising liberation. But behind his honeyed words and grand vision lurks a sinister agenda. Piece by piece, he spins an elaborate fiction, twisting their hopes into shackles to bind them.
Caught in his intricate web, they fail to see the truth staring them in the face. The few who dare speak out are silenced through coercion and violence. Step by step, the sinister plan takes shape as the people are complicit in their own continued oppression. They cheer their captor and turn on the ones who urge them to open their eyes.
As the ruse reaches its climax, the ultimate price must be paid. Will the truth finally spark the rebellion so long suppressed or will the people remain imprisoned in their own minds? This harrowing tale explores the tangled roots of exploitation and control through one man’s nefarious quest to maintain power through elaborate deception. But even the best cons must eventually come to light…

Not All Slaves
Wear Chains…
